Monday, February 22, 2010

Joshua 13-19: Dividing the Land

Map produced and copyrighted by Zondervan Corporation.

"You are very old," God tells Joshua in Joshua 13.  How would you like to hear those words, especially when they are followed by "and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over." The region of Philistines, the Canaanites, as well as Lebanon and several other occupants still needed to be conquered.  God says that he will drive out the Sidonians, but Israel will have to deal with the rest.

So the land is divided up and the remaining tribes who had not taken land on the east side of the Jordan, receive their allotment, with the exception of the Levites whose inheritance was the Lord God of Israel.  Unfortunately, some of the allotted land included inhabitants who could not be dislodged.  Judah's territory included the Jebusites, while Ephraim's included the Canaanites.

Some of the tribes knew exactly what land they wanted, and others had lots drawn to determine what the boundaries of their allotment would be.  Then a final allotment was made for Caleb as promised when he was faithful after spying out the land and another allotment was made for Joshua, who has been God's faithful servant. 

It would be nice to think that the issue was settled for once and for all, but that land, the promised land, has been fought over for generations up to this present day.  We could ask again, 'What's up with that God?,' but the answer would be the same as well.  It goes all the way back to Adam and Eve and man's freedom to choose.  We seldom choose life.

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