Monday, April 11, 2011

1 Chronicles 1-3: Sons of Promise

Every being that has ever been born starts out with the same promise.  Some become great, some fulfil their destiny, and most are lost to history.  Some become great nations who bear their names for generations to come such as Israel.  Some begin a line of great rulers like Judah who with his daughter-in-law, had Perez who had Hezron, who had Ram who had Amminadab who had Nahshon who had Salmon who had Boaz who had Obed who had Jesse who had David.  Some of them had cities named after them that survive until today such as Bethlehem.  Some of them had cities named after them that are lost to oblivion such as Avith. 

But all of us bear one thing in common.  We all share a life that is fleeting.  Our hours on this earth are numbered.  Whether or not our name survives here on earth after we're gone is not that important.  What matters is if our name is written in the book of life; the book mentioned in both Daniel and Revelation
“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. - Daniel 12:1 NIV

Any that choose can become a son of promise, a right given by a new birth that ensures our destiny will not be lost to history.

2010 Post - 1 Chronicles 1-3:  Fearfully and Wonderfully

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