Saturday, November 20, 2010

Luke 22-24: What Things?

What a time for the disciples.  Things they could not have imagined were happening faster than they could keep up with.  By now it has become obvious that the chief priests and teachers of the law are trying to find a way to get rid of Jesus.  The Passover is approaching, and they all gathered for the passover meal when Jesus told them that one of the twelve would betray him.  And in addition, Jesus tells Peter that he will deny him before it is all over.  Things are going to change, Jesus tells them.

Then Jesus asked them, When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything? Nothing, they answered.
    He said to them, But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
    It is written: 'And he was numbered with the transgressors'; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfilment.
    The disciples said, See, Lord, here are two swords. That is enough, he replied. - Luke 22:36-38 NIV

What?  Two swords will be enough?  What kind of fight is that going to be?  And so, fortified with only two swords to prevent Jesus from being taken, they go about as usual, following Jesus to the Mount of Olives where he like to pray.  Were the disciples so confident of Jesus' power that they immediately fell asleep, or were they just tired of all the drama?  It was only the beginning.  When Judas approached with the crowd who would take Jesus away, things began to move rapidly.  One of the two swords cuts off the servant of the high priest's ear which Jesus immediately heals.  'Am I leading a rebellion,' Jesus asks.  'With only two swords?'  But this is your hour— when darkness reigns.(Luke 22:53 NIV)

And the darkness reigned with a furious force through the trials, through the crowds yelling for his crucifixion, through the mocking of the soldiers as he hung on the cross and up until the time that Jesus cried, Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. (Luke 23:46 NIV) and breathed his last breath.  What has just happened?

Then the strangest things start to happen.  His body disappears from the tomb.  The women, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them say they have seen an angel who says Jesus has risen.  'What things?' Jesus asks the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  ' You seem so surprised.'  This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. - Luke 24:46-48 NIV

What things?  It is all as it was supposed to be and now the disciples are to be witnesses of all they have seen.

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