Sunday, September 26, 2010

Daniel 7-8: Yes, For Ever and Ever

Who can blame Daniel for being ill for several days after he was given the two visions during the reign of Belshazzar.  These are very mysterious things and impossible to understand.  Even the interpretations of the dreams that were given Daniel at the time were sketchy at best.  This much is known.  These visions were for a time long after Daniel's day.  They were for the end of time.  That means there will be an end to time as we know it.  It is also clear that there will be kingdoms and nations that rise and fall, over the course of history and before the end times.  War will be waged against the saints.  Wickedness will increase.  One with what looks to be ultimate power will rise up and take his stand against God and his people. In the end, even this powerful force will be destroyed, but not by human power

Yet, in the midst of these terrible visions that exhausted and deeply troubled Daniel, there lies a promise that has been enough to sustain the God's people throughout the centuries. As Daniel was told by one of the bystanders in his vision. 'But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever.' - Dan. 7:18 NIV

The Saints will finally behold, not in a vision, but in person, the King of Kings.  They will watch as he takes his place.

"As I looked,
"thrones were set in place,
and the Ancient of Days took his seat.
His clothing was as white as snow;
the hair of his head was white like wool.
His throne was flaming with fire,
and its wheels were all ablaze.
A river of fire was flowing,
coming out from before him.
Thousands upon thousands attended him;
ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.
The court was seated,
and the books were opened. - Dan. 7:9-10 NIV

The Ancient of Days will take his seat and the 'son of man' will be led into his presence and given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. - Dan. 7:14-15 NIV

This will not be the end, but will be the beginning of a kingdom that will not pass away.  He will reign forever and ever...Yes, for ever and ever.

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