Friday, January 3, 2014

Genesis 9: The Rainbows End

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” - Gen. 9:16 NIV

It's only after the storm that we receive the promise.  Only after the rain that we see the rainbow.  I must remember this, when I walk through those trying times, times when I can see no light at the end of the tunnel, times when I don't believe there will ever be light again, times when my hands quiver and my knees shake.  It is only when I come through those times that I grasp that God's promises are true, that his covenant has not been broken in spite of the abandonment I have felt.  Just as the flood was not about or because of Noah, the trying times are not all about me.  They are about God's greater purpose.  Who am I to question that or demand an explanation?  Sometimes the reason for the pain eventually becomes clear, but many times here is no explanation, there is just the covenant, a covenant that will never be broken, a promise I can seldom grasp.  Rainbows always come to an end and we go back to our lives changed by the storm, but the covenant always stands.

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