Friday, September 6, 2013

2 Chronicles 36: No Remedy

Furthermore, all the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful, following all the detestable practices of the nations and defiling the temple of the LORD, which he had consecrated in Jerusalem.
The Fall of Jerusalem
The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because he had pity on his people and on his dwelling place. But they mocked God’s messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against his people and there was no remedy. 2 Chron. 36: 14-15 NIV

Do these words apply to us now?   I know for certain that we have succumbed to all of the ungodly ways of the other nations.  In fact, we are creating new, even more detestable practices for the rest of the world to follow.  While some of the nations of this world are becoming more godly, we have taken the opposite approach and seem to be pursuing our own destruction.  A few years ago, after September 11th, it appeared, for a time, that we were following after God once more, but just as after godly reign of Josiah when his sons reverted to the sins of his predecessors,  I fear that we have despised the word of God too many times and we may be in the same position that Judah was after Josiah's reign.  We have abandoned any semblance of holiness or godliness and are pursuing pleasure at any cost. Will this be the end?  Has the wrath of God been aroused to the point where there is no remedy?

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