Sunday, September 29, 2013

Luke 22: Jeus Turned and Looked Straight at Peter

The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” -Luke 22:61 NIV

Sometimes I feel the Lord look straight at me.  It is not in an accusing way.  Instead he voices his disappointment.  'Have you not been with me all this time? ' he asks. ' Don't you know me?  Can you not wait with me an hour?  Do you care so little that when your life is threatened, you disown me?  Don't you know that I will never leave or forsake you?  Why then is it so easy for you to forsake me?  What are you afraid of, is it men, is it losing your friends, your position, or comfortable life? 

Jesus knows all I've done.  He knows the many subtle ways in which I have abandoned or denied him.  He knows it all and yet he loves and forgives me.  Just as it was with Peter, the love of his gaze cuts me to the quick. What mercy, what love and what grace.

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